All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Gates of Discovery is Floodgates training & activating ministry. As a part of our weekly Regional Outpouring services Floodgates offers a variety of trainings and corrisponding activations. Training provides practical knowledge on the ministry work that every believer is called to do. Activations provide practical experience in a safe environment to practice doing the work of the ministry.
  • Firm Foundations - An interactive class for new believers or anyone with questions or just seeking to learn more about the fundamentals of Christian faith.
  • Getting to Know the Holy Spirit - An interactive class the examines the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives, from His role in our salvation to operating in the Gifts of the Spirit.
  • Painting a Picture of the Prophetic - In this training we look at what the prophetic is, what it is for, why it is important, do's and don'ts of prophetic ministry as well as creative opportunities to practice and grow the Gift of Prophecy in your life.
  • Spiritual Warfare Bootcamp - An interactive class the helps equip you for the spiritual warfare that every believer faces whether they realize it or not.
  • Evangelism Toolbox - Every believer is called to evangelize at some level. In this class we give you practical tools to help you reach those around you and will expand your thinking of what evangelism is.
  • "Gatekeepers" Ministry Team Training & Activation - This detailed training is a requirement serve on our ministry teams, however it is open to anyone desiring to be trained and activated in prayers of faith, prayers of healing, or personal prophecy.
  • New classes coming soon
For more information check our calendar contact us at or send us a private message on facebook.