What We Believe
  • The Bible is the inspired Word of God
  • Our God is one, manifested in three – The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit
  • Man is sinful and needs a Savior
  • Jesus came to redeem mankind through His propitiatory sacrifice
  • We are saved by grace through faith which produces the New Birth
  • Faith without works is dead – A living faith will produce corresponding action
  • Two New Testament Ordinances – Water baptism by immersion and Communion
  • The infilling of the Holy Spirit is available to all believers as an experience subsequent to salvation and accompanied by speaking in other tongues
  • Sanctification is a definite, yet progressive work of grace, commencing at the time of salvation and continuing while we are here on earth
  • Healing is a part of the atonement and is for the physical, emotional and psychological ills of the human body and soul.
  • The laying on of hands is to be practiced for the purpose of imparting, ordination, and point of agreement
  • The gifts of the Spirit are to be active in the Church today
  • The five fold ministry gifts of the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher are to all function in the Church
  • Resurrection of the Just and the Return of the Lord
  • Heaven is reserved for the righteous and Hell for the unrighteous